CALL FOR ABSTRACTS! : The 27th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan

The 23rd Formation Evaluation Symposium


Please Download the latest program here!

Last updated: 2nd Oct.



This is a password protected file. Access password will be provided at symposium. Please download this and bring with you.

last updated: 5th Oct.


From Makuhari-Hongo Station (JR Sobu Line; 40 min from Tokyo station):

  • 10 min. by taxi or 30 min. on foot
  • 10 min. by City bus (see map and bus schedule in the program)

From Kaihin-Makuhari Station (JR Keiyo Line; 30 min. from Tokyo station):

  • 10 min. by taxi or 20 min. on foot
  • 10 min. by City bus (see map and bus schedule in the program)

City bus services are available from Makuhari-Hongo Station and Kaihin Makuhari Station. Please refer to the bus schedule in the program. The fare is 170yen. There are several bus lines between Makuhari-Hongo Station and Kaihin Makuhari station. Please take “Columbus City Line” and get off at “Sekiyu Kaihatsu Gijyutsu Center”.



第115回 JFESチャプターミーティングを開催します。前回に引き続きオンラインチャプターミーティングとなります。 ご関心のある方は、下のボタンをクリック後、該当記事から12月9日までに参加のご登録をお願い致します。