CALL FOR ABSTRACTS! : The 27th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan

JFES Past Events (Table View)

No. Date Venu Speaker Topics
108th July 11, 2019 JAMSTEC Yohei Hamada (JAMSTEC) Evaluation of in-situ formation strength based on drilling performance parameters
      Diego Vasquez (Emerson) Multi Mineral Modeling Inversion and Overcoming Uncertainty of Well Log Data
107th Mar. 14, 2019 Schlumberger K. K. Yuki Maehara (SLB) Well Log Analysis with Class-Based Machine Learning for Petrophysics
      Somenath Kar (SLB) Borehole Image for Carbon Capture Storage Site Selection and Operation.
106th Dec. 07, 2018 MCX Tsutau TAKEUCHI (MCX) Petrophysics Interpretation with mineral composition analysis in U.S shale gas reservoir.
      Kazuhiko MATSUMOTO (MCX) Completion design optimization using frac simulation and reservoir simulation in a North American shale gas field.
105th Oct. 11-12, 2018 JOGMEC TRC   24th JFES Symposium(Complex Reservoirs)
104th July 20, 2018 OYO Sachiya YOKOYAMA(OYO) Outline of a new hydraulic fracturing technique for rock stress measurement.
      Yoshihiro YAMASHITA(OYO) An Application Example of Machine Learning to Shallow Subsurface Exploration using Ground Penetrating Radar.
103rd Mar. 22, 2018 MOECO Naohide HIGUCHI(MOECO) Production Enhancement by using Jet Pump at the onshore oil field in Thailand.
      Ryo SAKAMOTO(MOECO) Application of Machine Learning Method for Evaluation of Reservoir Properties: Case in the Barents Sea, Norway.
102nd Dec. 07, 2017 Shinkawa Kumin Kaikan Hideaki HASEGAWA(GERD) Development of a subserface conceptual model for the upgrading geothermal reservoir
      Satoshi UJO(GERD) A wellbore hydrothermal simulation technology applicable to supercritical conditions
101st Oct. 11-12, 2017 JOGMEC TRC   23rd JFES Symposium(EOR-IOR)
100th Jul. 14, 2017 INPEX Yuhei AIHARA (INPEX) “Gas Effect” re-visit
      Shin’ichi SAKURAI History of Oil Prices and Change in Oil Reservoirs and Petrophysics
99th Mar. 30, 2017 JAPEX 熊野裕介(JAPEX) Long-term AE Monitoring for Geomechanical Surveillance of Reservoir and Seal Integrity
      辻隆司 (JAPEX) Estimating Permeability Using Pore-throat Distribution From Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry
98th Dec. 6, 2016 JX Nippon O&G Exploration Chai Zhenjie (JX) Application of real-time drilling fluid analysis service for reservoir fluid characterization during exploration drilling
      Kaoru Yamaguchi(JX) Key findings from different vintage seismic data in 1992 and in 2015
97th Sep. 29 – 30, 2016 JOGMEC TRC   The 22nd JFES Symposium
96th Jul. 6, 2016 Waseda Univ. Masanori Kurihara (Waseda Univ.) Development of Optimization Programs for Saving Labor and Cost
      Kenji Furui (Waseda Univ.) Review and Analysis of Zonal Isolation Effectiveness in Carbonate Reservoirs Using Multi-Stage Stimulation Systems
95th Mar. 16, 2016 Schulumberger, Tokyo Office Chanh Cao Minh (SLB) Determination of Wettability from Magnetic Resonance Relaxation and Diffusion Measurements on Fresh-State Cores
      Toru Ikegami (SLB) Overview of Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing for Oilfield Industry
94th Jan. 29, 2016 MCX Yu Nakamura(MCX) Emerging Shale Gas Technology
      Nobuhito Yoshitani (MCX) NMR Applications in Petroleum Engineering: Molecular Dynamics Simulation and Experimental Study
93rd Oct. 13-14, 2015 JOGMEC TRC   The 21st JFES Symposium
92nd Jul. 13, 2015 JAMSTEC Yoshinori Sanada (JAMSTEC) Well logging for science drilling at D/V Chikyu
      Yasuhiro Yamada (JAMSTEC) Data integration: Challenges of R&D Center for Drilling Science
91st Mar. 4, 2015 MOECO Katsuro Moriyama (MOECO) Petroleum exploration and development of fluvial sandstone reservoirs in the northern Phitsanulok Basin, onshore Thailand
      Takeshi Onishi (MOECO) Current situation of shale gas development in US
90th Dec. 9, 2014 Schlumberger Tokyo Office Toru Nomoto(Smith Bits/SLB) Introduction to the latest drill bit technology
      Ken Morishita(SLB) Geomechanics from 1D to 4D
89th Oct. 1-2, 2014 JOGMEC-TRC   The 20th JFES Symposium
88th Jul. 14, 2014 JX Nippon O&G Exploration Naoki Okawa(JX) Petrophysical Logging summary and evaluation results of the METI Joetsu Kaikyu
      Tetsuo Aono(JX) 石油探鉱における CSEM 法の適用について
87th Apr. 16, 2014 JAPEX 稲森 隆穂 (JGI) AVO inversion を用いた弾性定数(YM、PR)を用いた Brittleness Index の推定
      玉川哲也(JAPEX) ELOT による応力評価 -原理、解析手法および国内フィールドにおける実績-
86th Dec. 19, 2013 INPEX Kentaro Hasebe (INPEX) 中部ジュラ系砂岩貯留岩におけるBorehole Imagingツールを用いた傾斜・方位及び岩石解析の事例
      Hideo KOMATSU (INPEX) Facies予測へのフリーソフトウェア活用例紹介
85th Sep. 26-27, 2013 JOGMEC-TRC   The 19th JFES Symposium
84th Apr. 25, 2013 Oyo Corporation Tatsuya Yokoyama (OYO) メタンハイドレート海洋算出試験における海底地層変形モニタリング
      Masaki Ono(OYO) CO2地中貯留のための相対浸透率およびスレッショルド圧力の測定事例
83th Feb. 22, 2013 Shinkawa Kumin Kaikan Tatsuya Sato(GERD) 秋田県湯沢市における地熱開発調査〔木地山・下の岱地域)の概要-物理探査とその解釈-
      Kenji Osawa(GERD) 浅海電磁探査システムの開発と北海道天塩郡幌延町沿岸域における予備実験
82th Dec. 6, 2012 Waseda Univ. Nobuo Morita(Waseda Univ.) ベクターマシンおよびニューラルネットワークによる岩石強度フィールド解析経験から学んだ事
      Akira Saito (Waseda Univ.) 海洋の電磁探査技術の現状
81th Sep. 27-28, 2012 JOGMEC-TRC   The 18th JFES Symposium
80th Apr. 18, 2012 Mitsubishi Corporation 原 祥二 (三菱商事) シェール開発の最適化
      Kazuhiko Tezuka(JAPEX) Annual Symposium Colombia
79th Feb. 17, 2012 Schlumberger Tokyo Office Teddy Nagano (SLB) メタンハイドレートに対するログの挙動
      Hiroshi Aoike (SLB) History of Borehole Seixmic Acquisiton for the last 30 years
78th Dec. 20, 2011 JAPEX Eiichi Asakawa (JAPEX) Unconventional Marine Seismic Survey-Ocean bottom cable (OBC) and vertical cable seismec (VCS)
      Kenichi Akama (JAPEX) Quantifying Frequency Dependence of P-wave Velocity in Partially Saturated Rocks
77th Sep. 29-30, 2011 JOGMEC-TRC   The 17th JFES Symposium
76th Jul. 6, 2011 INPEX Hideo Komatsu (INPEX) An experience of Tuffaceous Sand Interpretation
      Takahiro Zushi(INPEX) Permeability Calculation by k-Nearest Neighbor Algorithm
75th Apr. 18, 2011 MOECO Yasutomo Fujii (MOECO) Seismic Velocity Variations in the northern Phitsanulok Basin, Onshore Thailand
      Masashi Fujiwara(MOECO) Estimated erosion thickness at a time of Middle Miocene based on shale compaction method using Sonic Log in the Gulf of Thailand
74th Feb. 10, 2011 JAMSTEC,Tokyo Office Yasuhiro Namba (JAMSTEC) Challenge to installation of NanTroSEIS LTBMS by “Chikyu”
      Hiroshi Aoike (JAMSTEC) Drilling in Okinawa hydrothermal area by “Chikyu”
73rd Oct. 7-8, 2010 JOGMEC-TRC   The 16th JFES Symposium
72th Jul. 6, 2010 SKK Tatsuki Endo (SKK) Introduction of downhole acoustic source and a few examples of Croswell seismic survey
      Hiroshi Nakajima (SKK) Next generation logging while drilling (LWD) sonic tool
71th Apr. 21, 2010 JAPEX Toshihumi Kumagai (GSC) Fracture survey in poor hydraulic conductivity rock – Introduction of Fluid Conductivity Logging
      Yasuo Yamada (JAPEX) Facies Architecture of “Green-Tuff” volcanic rock reservoirs – Subaqueous volcanic rock facies in drillholes and its training image in multi-point geostatistical approach –
70th Feb. 2, 2010 Fukada Geological Institute Toru Takahashi (Fukada Geological Institute) Study on rock physical interpretation of shallow geophysical data
      Chisato Konishi (OYO) An application of rock physics for the effective investigation of the levees
69th Oct. 1-2, 2009 TRC-JOGMEC   The 15th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan
68th Jun. 30, 2009 INPEX Isao Takahashi (INPEX) Seismic dependence on reservoir fluids and its significance in seismic reservoir monitoring
67th Mar. 31, 2009 MOECO Yohei Nishitsuji (MOECO) Source Parameters for Intermediate – depth Earthquakes in Japan
      Masashi Fujiwara (MOECO) Update of the Onshore E&P Exploration Activity in Indochina
66th Sep. 29-30, 2008 TRC-JOGMEC   The 14th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan
65th Aug. 24– 27, 2008 Bangkok, Thailand   SPWLA 2008 SE Asia / Japan / Australia Technical Forum
64th Jul. 3, 2008 SKK Shim Yen Han (Schlumberger) Advanced LWD Formation Evaluation
      Juan Marsal (Schlumberger) Interactive Drilling Operations
63rd Mar. 25, 2008 Core Lab. Center, OYO Hiroyuki Azuma (Oyo) The relationship between seismic velocity and CO2 saturation obtained from the CO2 geological sequestration experiment
      Takeshi Iwamoto (Oyo) Experiment of the permeability of sedimentary rock under low hydraulic gradient
62nd Dec. 19, 2007 JAMSTEC, Tokyo Office Moe Kyaw Thu (CDEX/JAMSTEC) Preliminary report on the IODP Expedition 314; NanTroSEIZE Stage 1- LWD Transect
61st Sep. 27 – 28, 2007 TRC-JOGMEC   The 13th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan
60th Jul. 30,2007 TOC Shogo Sato (Teikoku Oil) An example of fluid samplings and pressure recordings using formation testers in a cased hole well
59th May 14, 2007 JAPEX Toru Nakayama(JAPEX) Time-Lapse Seismic Survey in the Oil Sands Area – JACOS SAGD Operation Area, Athabasca, Canada –
      Osamu Takano(JAPEX) Well-log spectral and trend analyses as a tool of sedimentological and stratigraphic interpretations
58th Jan. 30, 2007 SKK Shomei Kobayashi(CDEX/JAMSTEC) Chikyu drilling shakedown cruise summary in offshore Shimokita
57th Oct. 4 -5, 2006 TRC-JOGMEC   The 12th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan
56th May 17, 2006 MOECO Jiro Watanabe (GSC) Monitoring of Pilot CO2 Injection in Nagaoka Using Time Lapse Well Logs
      Hideki Saito (OYO Corporation) Time-lapse crosswell seismic tomography for monitoring the pilot CO2 injection into an onshore aquifer, Nagaoka, Japan
55th Feb. 3, 2006 AIST Osamu Matsubayashi (AIST) Thermo-petrophysical properties as a basis of geothermics
      Sumito Morita(AIST) Approach to Kumano marine basin mud volcanos
      Hiroshi Oda(AIST) Well Logging Interpretation of Coal beds in Yubari Coalfield
54th Nov. 29, 2005 INPEX Hisanao Ouchi (JOE) Outline of MH21 Simulator and Dynamics of Gas Hydrate Reservoir
53rd Oct. 5 – 6, 2005 TRC-JOGMEC   The 11th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan
52nd Aug. 31, 2005 JAPEX Takashi Tsuji (JAPEX) Shallow Marine Sediments in FMI Images
      Shinichi Takahata (JAPEX) Formation Pressure Estimation by Using Sonic Logs
51st Apr. 6, 2005 CRIEPI Kenzo Kiho (CRIEPI) Development of Controled drilling system for High-level Radioactive Waste
50th Nov. 30, 2004 TOC Kuniaki Shimada (Teiseki Drilling) Unzen Scientific Drilling USDP-4, Drilling and Measurements
49th Sep. 29-30, 2004 TRC-JNOC   The 10th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan
48th Jul. 16, 2004 MOECO Saneatsu Saito (JAMSTEC) What do scientist expect of well logging?
      Fumio Okitsu (Consultant) The 45th Annual Symposium of SPWLA in Noordwijk, Netherlands
47th Feb. 6, 2004 SKK Emmanuel Coste (Schlumberger K.K.) Q-Borehole – Risk reduction using superior borehole seismic data
      Keith Schilling (Schlumberger K.K.) New Industry Sonic Measurement
46th Dec. 3, 2003 JAPEX Takashi IMAZUMI (JGI) Application of Borehole and Surface Seismic Data in Drilling Hazard
45th Sep. 25-26, 2003 TRC-JNOC   The 9th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan
44th May 26, 2003 TOC Hiromi Sugiyama (Teikoku oil co.) Multi Stage Fracturing in a HP/HT Deep Volcanic Gas Reservoir in Japan
43rd Mar. 31, 2003 JNOC Hideaki Machiyama(JAMSTEC) Natural gas hydrates occurrence and its geological significance – Recent results from Ocean Drilling Program –
      Norio Arihara (Waseda Univ.) Modeling Flow in Naturally Fractured Reservoirs
42nd Jan. 27, 2003 MOECO Shinji Yoneshima (Schlumberger K.K.) Processing Leaky-Compressional Mode from LWD Sonic Data in Shallow Ocean Sediments: ODP sites in Nankai Trough
41st Dec. 4, 2002 OYO Tsukuba R&D Center S. Imamura (OYO) An application to detect the shape of the saltwater-freshwater-boundary in a coast
      F. Nakayama (OYO) Airborne geophysics for civil engineering – 3D interpretation using GISS –
      Y. Shoji: (OYO) Overview of OWS (OYO Wappa Source) – How it works and its applicability –
40th Sep. 27, 2002 INPEX Masatoshi Nishi (SLB, Nagaoka) A New Interpretation Model Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Log for Micritic Limestone Reservoirs in the Mubarraz Field
        8th General Meeting
39th Jun. 2-5, 2002 OISO PRINCE HOTEL   The SPWLA 43rd Annual Symposium (SPWLA OISO 2002)
38th Mar. 25, 2002 JAPEX Hiroaki Okada (JAPEX) Fracture distribution in and around intrusive rocks in the Fushime Geothermal Field, Japan: evidence from the FMI logging
      Kunio Akihisa (Oil Research, Ltd.) Well Log Evaluation of Gas Hydrate Saturation in the MITI Nankai Trough Well, Offshore Southeast Japan
      Genyuu Kobayashi, (OYO Corporation) Development of a practical EKL
37th Sep. 27-28, 2001 TRC-JNOC   The Seventh Well Logging Symposium of Japan
36th May 8, 2001 INPEX Stan Paxton (AAPG Distinguished Lecturer, Oklahoma State Univ.) Defining ‘Sweet Spots’ in Sedimentary Basins through Practical Application of Reservoir Quality Technology
35th Mar. 21, 2001 TOC Kazuo Nakayama (JGI, Inc.) Estimation of Reservoir Properties by Monte Carlo Simulation
34th Dec. 4, 2000 SKK K. Fujii (Schlumberger K.K.) Sonic Imaging – Fracture identification
      X. Li (Schlumberger K.K.) Advanced Acoustic Impedance Inversions for PPP
      N. Matsumoto (Schlumberger K.K.) Development of a Quartz Pressure Sensor for Extreme Hostile Environment Application
33th Sep. 27-28, 2000 TRC-JNOC   The Sixth Well Logging Symposium of Japan
32th May 22, 2000 JAPEX  Osamu Senoh (JAPEX) Data Acquisition Method and Log Response in the Methane Hydrates Bearing Beds, MITI Nankai-Trough Well
31th Mar. 27, 2000 Shinbabashi-kuminkan  Kazumi Ohsato (GERD) Recent Results of Audio-frequency Controlled-source EM Imaging in Borehole
      Masami Hyodo(GERD) High Temperature PTSD Memory Tool
30th Jan. 31, 2000 Idemitsu Oil & Gas Co. Saneatsu Saito (Ocean Research Institute, Univ. of Tokyo) The role of downhole logs in Ocean Drilling Program
      Hitoshi Mikata (JAMSTEC) The Ocean Drilling Project for the 21st Century and Expectations to Logging Technologies in the Oil Industry
29th Nov. 29, 1999 MOECO Masashi Fujiwara (MOECO) Old Log and New Log in the Gulf of Thailand
28th Sep. 29-30,1999 TRC-JNOC   The Fifth Well Logging Symposium of Japan
27th May 25, 1999 Tohoku Univ. Shin’ichi Watanabe (SKK) Single-well sonic imaging for high-resolution reservoir descriptions around the borehole
      H. Niitsuma, M. Nishizawa and K. Hirata (Tohoku Univ.) Development of subsurface micro sensors in Tohoku University
26th Mar. 31, 1999 Waseda Univ. Norio Arihara(Waseda) Interpretation of Porosity Distributions from Seismic Data
      Masami Hyodo(GERD) Development of Data-Base System for Lost Circulation and Analysis of the Data
25th Jan. 27, 1999 INPEX Makoto Miyairi (JAPEX) Well log interpretation for gas hydrate-bearing formation
24th Nov. 27, 1998 TOC Kozo Sato (TOC) Productivity Correlation for Horizontal Sinks Completed in Fractured Reservoirs
23rd Sep. 23-24,1998 TRC-JNOC   The Fourth Well Logging Symposium of Japan
22nd May 25, 1998 JAPEX Toru Takahashi(OYO) A field experiment of the single-hole seismic imaging method
      Gary Lo(GeoQuest) Data management for the benefit of exploration & Production
21st Mar. 25,1998 SKK Takeshi Endo(SKK) Fracture Evaluation from Stoneley Inversion
      Hitoshi Mikada(SKK) Borehole Acoustic Refelectivity for Single Well imaging-A high-resolution description of geological structure
20th Jan. 26,1998 GERD Tatsuya Sato (GERD) Introduction of the integrated geothermal reservoir modeling system
19th Nov. 25,1997 Idemitsu Oil Co. A. Imayoshi (JNOC-TRC) Log Analysis of Micaceous Brent Sandstone
      S. Hirahara (Idemitsu Oil Development Co.,Ltd.) Cyclolog – A New Approach for Well Correlation
18th Sep. 24-25,1997 TRC-JNOC   The Third Well Logging Symposium of Japan
17th May 26, 1997 JODCO Koji Takase (Japan National Oil Corp.) Quiet Revolution- Information Technology and the Reshaping of the Oil and Gas Business
16th Mar. 26,1997 Waseda Univ. Norio Arihara (Waseda Univ.) Dynamic Behavior Analysis of Hydraulic Fractures by Well Test Analysis and Simulation
15th Jan. 27,1997 INPEX Jean-Remy OLESEN (Distinguished Speaker of SPWLA) Residual Oil Saturation Evaluation in Water Flooded Fields under Variable Water Resistivities
14th Nov. 25,1996 TOC Koichi Ogino (Teikoku Oil Co.) Comparison of LWD and Wireline measurement in MITI Nishikubiki
13th Sep. 26-27,1996 TRC-JNOC   The Second Well Logging Symposium of Japan
12th May 27, 1996 JAPEX T. Kanekiyo(JAPEX) Discussion on aperture computation using FMI imager tool
      Takashi Ogawa (GeoQuest) The principle of fracture aperture calculation from FMI images
11th Mar. 26,1996 AOC Geoff Weller (Anadrill) Interpretation of high angle and horizontal well
      Steve Mack (Sperry-Sun) Resolving MWD-Wireline resistivity discrepancies in shaly-sand reservoirs
10th Jan. 29,1996 Tekko-Kaikan Takeshi Okabe(GERD) Interpretation of in-situ three dimentional stress field from FMI/BHTV data
      Nobuo Osato(GERD) Development of data-base system for logging and reservoir evaluation
      Nobuo Morita(Waseda U.) Comprehensive prediction and prevention of sand production problems using rock mechanics, logging and production technologies:(for perforated wells and openhole horizontal wells in the U.K.Rotligendes formation
9th Nov. 27,1995 Idemitsu Oil Co. Makoto Miyairi (JAPEX) Formation Evaluation in a Methane-hydrate Reservoir-What is the problem & what should be investigated
      Fumio Okitsu (AOC) 35years with Well Log Data
8th Sep. 21-22, 1995 TRC-JNOC   The First Well Logging Symposium of Japan
7th May 29, 1995 JODCO S.Nomoto(JODCO) Outlook for world oil production-a digest of current studies from several organizations and the implications from a database of world’s giant oil fields
      K.Christensen (GeoQuest) Data management using a workstation for geoscientists
6th Mar. 13, 1995 Waseda Univ. Oberto Serra (SPWLA Distinguished Speaker) True Integrated Interpretation for better reservoir characterization
5th Jan. 23,1995 INPEX Hisao Ito (GS/J) Evaluation of permeable fractures by tube wave analysis
      Kazuhiko Tezuka (JAPEX) Evaluation of permeable fractures by stoneley wave
4th Nov. 29, 1994 TRC-TOC Stephen E. Prensky (SPWLA Distinguished Speaker) A Survey of recent developments and emerging technologies in well logging and rock characterization
3rd Sep. 27,1994 JOE Naoki Ogawa(AOC) Case history of tracing formation by the use of TDT log
      Tsutomu Yamate (SKK) In-situ optical fluid analysis as an aid to wireline formation sampling
2nd Jul. 25,1994 JAPEX Makoto Miyairi (JAPEX) Summary of 35th SPWLA Annual Symposium
      M. Sato (Tohoku Univ.) Directional Induction Logging Method
      Susumu Kato (JAPEX) Formation Evaluation of Volcanic Reservoir
1st May. 23,1994 JNOC C.Clavier (SPWLA Distinguished Speaker) Imaging Logging New Dimension in Interpretation


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