CALL FOR ABSTRACTS! : The 27th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan

Invitation to the 116th Chapter Meeting(16 December 2021)

The 115th JFES Chapter Meeting will be held as follows. Continuing from the last time, it will be an online chapter meeting.

If you are interested, please register here by December 9th.

Date and time
Thursday, December 16, 2021 15:30 ~ 17:30
Held online
Lecture 1
Introduction of OYO Core Lab Testing Center
Yoshihiko Kakihara (OYO Co., Ltd.)
This test center mainly conducts physical property tests and chemical tests of ground materials related to the construction of infrastructure and energy facilities. On the other hand, we also have a track record of experimental work related to methane hydrate and CCS, and we would like to introduce some of them.
Lecture 2
Confirmation of urease activity to suppress slaking of soft rocks
Maki Okuma (OYO Co., Ltd.)
Soft rocks (rocks with a low degree of consolidation) are slaking (fine granulation / muddy) due to repeated inundation and dryness, causing compression and destabilization of the structure. Further, the ground solidification method of precipitating calcium carbonate in the gaps of soil using microorganisms is expected to be applied as a countermeasure against liquefaction of sandy ground. By immersing the slaked sample in a solution in which carbonate ions (generated by hydrolyzing urea with urease (enzyme)) and calcium ions react, the surface of the sample was coated with calcium carbonate, and the effect of suppressing slake was observed. ..
Lecture 3
Development of water retention test equipment by continuous pressurization method
Osamu Kyono (OYO Co., Ltd.)
Unsaturated land is used as important numerical information for slope stability problems during rainfall and river embankment penetration / stability problems by evaluating the water retention characteristics and permeability in the process from unsaturated to saturation. To. However, the biggest reason why laboratory tests were not used in practice was that it “takes a very long time” to obtain results. Therefore, with the aim of shortening the test time, we have developed a new water retention test device that is an improvement of the conventional test method.
Lecture 3
Moisture content evaluation by non-contact permittivity measurement of core
Masaki Ono (OYO Co., Ltd.)
The core collected in the ground survey is extruded from the tube in the test room and then visually observed and classified into soil such as sand and clay. In response to this, the presenters have developed a device that can automatically and continuously measure the permittivity that correlates with the water content of the core in a non-contact manner, and soil classification and continuous data acquisition based on quantitative data. We are trying to improve the evaluation of physical properties. In this presentation, we will introduce the outline of the permittivity measuring device and the measurement example of the simulated core.