CALL FOR ABSTRACTS! : The 27th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan

Invitation to the 113th Chapter Meeting(23 Mar 2021)

The 113th Chapter Meeting will be held on Tuesday, 23rd March, 2021, by online. Please see News Letter for more detail.

Date & Time
Tuesday, 23rd March, 2021, 15:30 – 17:30
Presentation 1
Tubing inspection using a Multi Finger Caliper Tool by Slickline operation
(Masato Nakadai*, Masahiro Maruta*, Tanetomo Izumi**, Hikaru Kusanagi**)
*Geophysical Surveying Co. Ltd., **Japan Petroleum Exploartion Co. Ltd.
Presentation 2
Quantifying the mineralogy of a volcanic reservoir rock by integrated petrological analysis including thin section, XRF, XRD, RockEval, and SEM+EDS with Mineral mapping system
(Takeaki Otani*, Tetsuya Yamamoto*, Masahiko Yagi*, Tatsuya Hattori**)
*Japan Petroleum Exploartion Co. Ltd., **Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corporation