CALL FOR ABSTRACTS! : The 27th Formation Evaluation Symposium of Japan

The 108th Chapter Meeting was held(11 July 2019)

The 108th Chapter Meeting was successfully held on Thursday, 11th July, 2019. Aroud 40 atendees enjoyed discussion about rock strength estimation based on drilling parameter and probablistic log analysis. The detail is as below.

Date & Time
Thursday, July 11, 2019, 15:30 – 17:30
Conference room A/B, JAMSTEC
Fukokuseimei Bld. 23F, 2-2-2 Uchisaiwaicho, Chiyoda City, Tokyo, 100-0011, Japan
Presentation 1
“Evaluation of in-situ formation strength based on drilling performance parameters” by Mr. Yohei Hamada (JAMSTEC)
Presentation 2
“Multi Mineral Modeling Inversion and Overcoming Uncertainty of Well Log Data” by Mr. Diego Vasquez (Emerson)
Ice Breaker(18:00~)
Around 20 attendees joined.


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